Friday 7 February 2014


Welcome to this, our first blog. This first piece is by way of an introduction…stay with us…we'll try and be wide ranging with future posts - interesting, even!

We're a dynamic young (yes we are, despite the appearance of your blogger!) construction company based in a beautiful location in Sompting, West Sussex. The business was started seven years ago by brothers Ben and Tom Copper and their cousin Sean. All members of the famous Sussex traditional singing family, they bring that same sense of harmony to their day-to-day business.

We specialise in the renovation and restoration of mainly Grade 2 listed homes, which means we need to have at our disposal the many skills and trades necessary to work with traditional materials. It's demanding but endlessly fascinating work and hugely rewarding too.

At the moment we're working on the major rebuilding of a manor house in West Sussex into which we are incorporating the very latest green technology. Remarkably, when complete it will be virtually self-sufficient in its energy needs thanks to a combination of fantastic insulation, ground source heat pumps and and photo-voltaic technology. There will be little evidence of this infrastructure and the house will revert once more to its beautiful period appearance.

At the same time we are pursuing a number of smaller projects throughout East and West Sussex with another major renovation starting in North Hampshire at the beginning of Febrary.

There's plenty going on - watch this space for news of all sorts of stuff that we're up to...